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First I would like to welcome you all to my page, I hope you enjoy the pictures posted throughout the page.  

Besides being a up and rising photographer, my number one job in life is raising a ornery little boy, he is 3 and has been the driving force to push me to follow my dreams.  If I expect him to dream big and follow through then mommy has to lead by example. 

So a few years ago I decided to jump head first into taking a hobby driven by passion and turned it into a business. For as long as I can remember, I've always had a camera in my hand and enjoyed taking pictures.  I n ever thought much about trying to pursue it has a career.   Honestly I'd probably not thought twice about the idea if it wasn't for a few friends that convinced me I should give it a shot. So I cast self criticism to the side and finally took that jump. It hasn't been a get rich quick decision, and has required a lot of investing to slowly build up equipment and props to help my work grow. It's been a slow process and there have been moments when I have thought can I do this?   "YES I CAN" are the chants that just pushes my drive to succeed on this endeavor ten fold. I've done research after research because it turns out in a world of photography getting yourself out there has proven to be the biggest challenge. I read somewhere the key to boosting your business is to limit yourself to one genre of photography, and run with it; but if you know me you know limiting myself to thinking into one box of thinking well that's just impossible, but the theory is if you take on more then one aspect of photography then people trust in your ability more, and to that I say "that's ridiculous", I believe 100% your work speaks for its for all of you out there looking for a photographer ready to take on any idea you want to throw out there, I'm a photographer who is ready to take on any challenge and exceed expectations!!!

I hope to work with many of you in the future and you allow me the opportunity to "Capture today, what you want to remember tomorrow, or ten years from now" 

Contact me

Tel: 681-422-8774



Williamstown, WV 26187

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